Intro Questions

  1. Name, Major, Year? Yerin Kang, Computer Science, Sophomore
  2. Background and Why? I've been interested in creating websites or conducting software engineering projects. I am taking this course for my HCI minor.
  3. Experience? Yes, I have experience with HTML, CSS, and JS as I created some websites with those languages. In addition, I took CSE 330S last semester, where I used them throughout the semester.
  4. What do you want to learn? I look forward to learning how I could create websites with good usability.
  5. Difference between screen and paper? I expect designing for screen involve interaction with users, whereas designing for paper does not change depending on user interaction.
  6. Example of effective design? I think Apple has very effective design that displays their products with different size of frames, slideshow, and animation.
  7. Example of effective communication? I believe BBC organizes various information effectively with a nagivation that consists of different categories.
  8. Website that works well? I think Github has many good features that I could easily upload and store my projects, intereact with other users who have similar interests, and look up my repositories and organizations.